

英Juniper Researchは英国時間12月11日,モバイルWiMAX技術の今後の展望について調査した結果を発表した。それによると,2010年からモバイル WiMAX(通信規格はIEEE802.16e)対応製品やサービスが普及し始め,2013年までに利用者が8000万人に達するという。調査は,モバイルWiMAX市場のベンダーと通信事業者の上級管理職を対象に実施した。




Press Release: Mobile WiMAX to reach 80m subscribers within 5 years,
assuming device availability and differentiated services, according to
Juniper Research

Mobile WiMAX to reach 80m subscribers within 5 years, assuming device availability and differentiated services, according to Juniper Research

Hampshire, UK ? 11th December 2007: Juniper Research, in a new report, forecasts that Mobile WiMAX 802.16e will begin to take off over the 2010 to 2013 period, exceeding 80 million mobile subscribers globally by 2013.

Report author Howard Wilcox said: "We are seeing more and more Mobile WiMAX 802.16e trials and network contracts ? over 50 have been announced so far in 2007 alone: the market is very active in all regions of the world. We anticipate that mobile usage will develop after initial demand for fixed and portable services ? WiMAX 802.16e is a flexible platform that can operate in all three modes of usage. Mobile WiMAX will represent a single digit proportion of the global mobile broadband base by 2013. This will be a tremendous achievement for this new technology platform which has recently been boosted by the ITU's endorsement of it as an IMT2000 specification."


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